Holding Our Light, Love and Peace in Challenging Times

Hi Friends,

I wrote this recently in response to a friend’s email to me on some negative emails circulating around the net. I thought I would sharing here too, and if any of you find this information valuable, please share!

There are many negative emails circulating… about H1N1, some about civil war in the U.S. and Obama preparing troops for this, and so much more. To me, all of them seem suspiciously designed to target a particular audience — those of us who don’t watch tv or look at mainstream news because we know it’s mostly propaganda. We can’t be frightened in the usual ways, so they seem to play upon our worst fears from what we know of the shadow government. Are some or all of these circulating stories and rumors true? Perhaps. And if they are… then what? How will each of us respond? Will we crumple up in fear, incapacitated? Or will we find a new inner strength and fortitude to meet these challenges? Will we stay true to what we know inside is right, or sell out for the illusion of safety and security?

Facing these questions inside ourselves and settling them once and for all can help us to set aside our fears, breathe freely again and cultivate the calm demeanor and right actions in the present moment to create the world of our dreams and desires and bring to a close forever a world that the Illuminati would have us create from our vital, creative spiritual energy as they keep us focused on our fears. Moving beyond our fears and freeing our creative thought energy to focus on and create the world of love and peace we want to live in is the most important task in front of us in these times. And by doing so, we expand our consciousness and turn on more and more of our latent DNA each day.

What I know about facing fear and moving through it: Since 1994, when my Air Force abuse memories came to light, I have lived with the knowledge of what horrible acts some factions in this world are capable of and what COULD happen. I lived with fear for years and it kept me from really speaking out publicly as I have been doing now since December 2008. It became personally too costly to give my power away to fear any longer. What I have learned and know as a spiritual being won out over fear.

These fears have lost much of their power over me. I have 15 years of research in this field of gov’t cover ups and Illuminati plots as well as extraterrestrial abductions, contacts. I’ve looked at large numbers of scenarios because I’ve discovered that wherever I fear to look because it might be “too negative”, that “place” I fear to look then exerts a secret power over me from the shadows that I later have to go in and exorcise. And yet, I started out in this life anchored in the spiritual reality of the Love of the Creator and my whole life has been a walk seeking to reconcile the why’s of the good and evil that co-exist on this world. So when I do look at some of the negative material circulating the web, it is now from the balanced perspective of knowing that wherever the dark surfaces, there is always an equally brilliant Light to balance it… and I rest in that knowledge and in that Light, knowing that whatever happens, and I do mean WHATEVER HAPPENS, I will find my way through it, even if it means dropping my body and moving on in spirit, though I plan on staying in my body for many, many years to come… if our bodies are to be transfigured by spirit in some way in the coming months and years, from a deep sense of fun and the adventure of new learning experiences, I want to experience this!

Recently, I’ve had these insights on the negative and fear-based messages that circulate that web that really seem to jerk our chains, those of us who are wise to the military-corporate-governm

ental complex and their secret operations and agendas. See if they resonate for you.

Because those of us who are aware of the world of extraterrestrials and gov’t cover ups are not taken in by the mainstream media news hype of lies and deceit, the shadow gov’t needs to find some way to get at us, to keep us afraid too, so that our DNA cannot expand and turn on. So, these types of stories may be an attempt by them to get to us and keep us contracted with fear. So while I grant that these types of scenarios COULD happen, I have to wonder how much real basis they have in fact. Here is one more point to consider.

People have an inherent need for and desire to be free. The Illuminati have gone a long way to construct a world (a matrix) in which people have the illusion of freedom to keep them satisfied, complete with an artificially constructed reality that this world and these societies and cultures are all there is, there are no ETs, and conspiracy theories and those who researched them were ridiculed for many years.

Most people were too busy to question what might be going on under the surface, busy with family and careers and grabbing what little happiness and contentment they could along the way. So they didn’t want to be troubled with looking under the surface and didn’t like having it presented to them. This is now changing I think because of the spiritual energies increasing now on this world. We who are aware see more and more extreme measures taken to frighten people, because people are beginning to awaken in droves. The more extreme they get the more they come out of the shadows and reveal themselves and the more people wake up to their game. It’s all coming to an end for them and they know it. Some of them have accepted it, but the worst of the lot are terrified of having to face the music of what they’ve been doing for so long and are fighting it, so we get swine flu propaganda, war propaganda and every kind of fear thing dished up in the news you can imagine. And they don’t want to leave those of us out who have a good idea of what has really been going on! So a different type of tactic is done for groups like us, taking the things we fear and serving up specific rumors that will keep jolting us with fear voltage as well.

But if they ever do take overt action to step out of the shadows and become an openly tyrannical new world order, they will activate the will of the people against them in an open fashion. People have that need and desire to be free. That is the beginning of the end for them. They have a lot invested to stay in the shadows and control through infiltration and subversion as they have been doing for hundreds of years, if not much longer.

So the situation is this: Spiritual energies flooding the planet, causing more and more people to wake up. The shadow gov’ts take more and more extreme actions to frighten us so our expanding and activating DNA contracts back in and doesn’t turn on. And the more extreme they get, the more they reveal themselves and show their hand. And people keep waking up as a result. The shadow factions of the world have actually become the evolutionary pressure on all of us to awaken.

I know that fear is a real thing for many of us to deal with. Simply telling people to not be afraid is not enough. For me, I had to face all my fears and walk myself through them to get to where I am today. I wrote this blog to help people deal with fear, move through it and be free of it, as much as is possible, individual to individual. It is here: https://encounterswithhealing.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/from-fear-to-freedom/

And also, like myself who served in the military and took my oath of service, other veterans are stepping forward and standing against more and more open tyranny… see the Oath Keepers website here: http://oathkeepers.org/oath/2009/03/03/declaration-of-orders-we-will-not-obey/

I hope this helps. Even if all the rumors we hear come to pass, we will find some way through, and I’m not sure that all we hear on the news or over the web is something to get all upset over. It will happen, or it won’t. People have, with love and fortitude and the Spirit that lives in each one of us gotten through many trials and tribulations down through history. And we will continue to do so, no matter what. Even death is not the end, but a transition to a higher plane of awareness.

In loving service to humanity becoming,