About body-centered coaching

Compassionate Listening Sessions

Because so many people have contacted me over the last 3+ years when I was not in good enough health to respond, and these types of contact requests still are coming in, I have started a kind of offering called Compassionate Listening. This is a session where we schedule an hour, or a half hour, for me to listen in a compassionate and present way to what you have to share and process, and offer my feedback and thoughts.

Sometimes people don’t need or want therapeutic work, sometimes they just want to be heard, by someone who understands unusual experiences so they feel understood and supported. And in the course of a Compassionate Listening session, the person receiving the session and myself can better decide if more therapeutic work might be needed, if, and only if, the person receiving the Compassionate Listening session decides that is what they want.

A Compassionate Listening session is also appropriate for those who have read my book and simply have questions or things they would like to express about what I shared in my book.

Please see my contact page to set up a Compassionate Listening session (recommended) for us to have a conversation about your issues and needs before we start any real therapeutic work together. Compassionate Listening sessions are $55 for an hour, and $33 for a half hour.


Body-Centered Coaching

Staying present is key.  Often difficult emotions or trauma make it very hard to stay with what we experience, either directly or in our memory.  When memory is buried, hidden or obscured in some way, emotional states that seem to have no attachment to any specific event or situation can sometimes help in recovering memories or imagery of lost or missing time or events.

Having a skilled coach to be present with you and gently help you stay with and report what you are experiencing to allow a process of clearing to complete is deeply helpful and can create a safe space in which to go deeply into your experience.  Learning the ability to track and report sensations in the body associated with particular events or missing time can also help repressed memories to emerge for processing and completion.  The tools of movement, breathing and cognitive techniques are designed to unblock and enhance the life discovery process are used in the individual or group coaching settings.

Most important is the willingness to take full, healthy responsibility for creating your life from the most positive place in your psyche. It’s vital to one’s healing to move from a place of being a victim to a place of personal empowerment. 

Individual sessions are $111 up to 1 hour, 15 minutes.  We will do our best to finish in an hour, but will continue an additional short time if necessary to bring any process we are in to a good closure. An invoice through PayPal or Square Register will be sent once your session is booked, or you may mail your payment to the address I can provide you with.  Sessions are paid for in advance. A block of 4 sessions is available at a discounted amount of $411 and this is the option most clients choose for ongoing work.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

I have added another healing work certification to my therapeutic toolkit with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Simple yet powerful, EFT – also called energy tapping or meridian tapping – uses tapping on the energy meridians/pathways of the face, hands and body to positively rewire how we respond to various pressures and challenges in our lives, effectively shifting our vibration and creating profound healing changes in body, mind and emotions.

As in Body-Centered work, EFT sessions are $111 for one session and $411 for a block of 4 sessions.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions (developed by Dolores Cannon) are available for $300 per session, and must be done in person. One of these sessions can last up to 4 hours. A questionnaire is sent to the client before the session to aid in them looking at all the issues they wish to address during that session.

It is important also to identify and discuss beforehand anything that might interfere with you, the client, being able to relax and surrender to the process of hypnosis. These kinds of “hidden” issues can range from issues or experiences you are subconsciously not ready to to look at or clear up to things you are afraid to have another person hear for fear of being negatively judged.

I consider each of my clients who want Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique with me to be a precious and beautiful soul, deserving of unconditional love, and while in the session under hypnosis, I am there as a loving and protective guide who will take any and all steps necessary to take my client where they need or want to go to find the answers they seek. If those answers are not forthcoming in the first session for whatever reason – usually that person’s higher self saying no, this person is not ready to look at this – another session can be scheduled at a later time when the first session has had some integration time in the client’s consciousness.


Group Work – Combined Body-Centered Coaching & EFT

Group Zoom or Skype sessions will be offered in a block of weekly sessions for 6 consecutive weeks, for $133, to be paid in full before starting the group. Groups will be kept small, no more than 6 to 8 participants per group. A commitment of 6 weeks and to respecting full confidentiality for everyone is required for group safety, continuity and cohesion. Groups will be held via video teleconferencing by Zoom or Skype.

Groups will be formed sometime in 2018 and I’ll post information about them, their respective purpose and focus after the holiday season.

All types of therapeutic work will involve forms to be filled out and returned to me as to the nature of your experiences and what kind of resolution you are wanting, and any blocks you may recognize in yourself that might be blocking resolution. These forms will be kept absolutely confidential.

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